Chapter 3.0:In which Jayne begins the tale.

Dear Readers,

You might be wondering why it is I, Jayne Kendrick, and not my sister Deanna Kendrick, who is writing the chronicle of the third generation of Kendricks.  She was, after all, the heir of this generation.  Well, as I type this, Deanna is locked up probably raving like a lunatic in the special room we had to create for her in the house.

I think if our dad had known what would happen to Deanna, he might not have chosen her to carry on after him.  But that, as is said, is water under the bridge.  Dad is long gone and Deanna and I are all that are left of his six children.

But that’s the present.  What happened to get us to this point: me writing this legacy so that my nieces and nephews know what happened, and Deanna, hopelessly mad and completely dangerous, locked up in her padded room?  What exactly went wrong? Read the rest of this entry »

Chapter 3 Interlude #4: Isaac and Shalonda

After much internal debate, Isaac decided that the modest Kendrick home in which he had grown up and raised his children was not really the sort of place that a Legendary Rock Star would live.  If he really wanted to fit the persona, he would need to move up to bigger things.  So, he commisioned a stately mansion directly across from the Lessen Mansion (home of former rock legend, Jon Lessen, where his son Jevon Lessen and Isaac’s sister Hannah currently lived).  Incidently, the new Kendrick Mansion was kitty corner to the Grisby house as well.

No babies will sleep in the hallway in this house.

No babies will sleep in the hallway in this house.

Read the rest of this entry »